Debate Club

The Debate Club at Blackpool and The Fylde College is an organisation that provides a platform for students to improve their public speaking, critical thinking and writing skills. The club aims to create an inclusive and supportive environment for students to express their opinions and engage in respectful debates on a variety of topics.

The club meets weekly, and members are encouraged to participate in discussions and debates. Meetings may involve structured debates, impromptu speeches, or guest speakers who can provide insights on specific topics.

Membership is open to all students who are interested in improving their communication skills and engaging in intellectual discussions. The club welcomes students from all disciplines, and participants are not required to have any prior experience in debating.

Through participation in the Debate Club, members can develop their research skills, learn to construct persuasive arguments, and improve their ability to think critically. Members can also benefit from the opportunity to network with other students who share their interests.

Overall, the Debate Club at Blackpool and The Fylde College is a great way for students to enhance their communication skills and engage in lively and intellectually stimulating discussions.

Every Monday @ 12 pm in the LRC Meeting Room 

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